Tuesday, May 20, 2008


U must look 2ru d "eyes of faith" & start seein urself as heavn sees U - happy, healthy, & whole. Dt means dt evn whn ur situation looks bleak, whn u're temptd 2b discourgd or deprssd, u must encourg urslf by prayn, "God, I know dt U r in control, & evn tho ds look impossibl, I know 2day cld be d day things turn arnd. 2day cld b d day U restore my marriage. Ds cld be d day U bring my life partner. 2day may b d day my business begins 2 prospr exponentially. Ds cld be d day i see my miracle." Then kip believn & watchn 4 those thngs com 2 fruition in ur life. U must mak a conscious decision, an act of ur will, 2 maintain an attitude of expectancy & kip ur mind filld wif hope (Phil.1:20) For this cld be d day U see ur miracle!

This Was What My Father Told Me: A Stone is Enough to Break a Glass…… One Sentence is Enough to Break a Heart…… One Second is Enough to Fall in Love…… and One Misunderstanding is Sufficient to Break Friendship. Friendship is the Rainbow Between two Hearts, sharing 7 Characters.... First i like u, then i loved u. Now i'm afraid to lose u