Monday, March 10, 2008
Its been two weeks now and the topic of the sermon in my church has been about marriage , lol . Two is beter than One , so they say , but really when do people start to think about marriage? How come some marry early and some late. People blame a lot of factors , ecomonic , financial , family background , etc oh less I forget some even say "no Mr /Miss RIGHT ".
Due to economic factors a lot of Africans dont marry early , the man /guy in question must be able to take care of his wife or they must must be able to pull their resources together to better their lot, all these are ranging from average level of income to be able take care and feed the supposed family , even the lady has a good/large impact to make , some guys must just have EVERYTHING before they start thinking about marriage , as for ladies once the guy is ready they are ready , but ladies like comfort , so their guy must be a sure one .
Having said the few above , the main thing that bothers me is Who is this guy /babe that is right , meaning how do u know the right person for you . ...................?
Some ladies /guys have a picture of who they want and at the end of the day they fall short of standard because they are running late , remember the female clock clicks faster then the male clock . For the female from like 24years you are expected to have a serious relationship so that maximum by 27 you can get married and have your kids before you are 30 years , hmmmmmm!!!!! good plan , but at times the reverse is the case but why ? why ? i just wonder , but when a guy is like 27-30 he starts to look for younger babes like 22-24 , so what happens to the 27-30 years and above ladies.
Some get hurt even at the verge of saying I do and that ends it , then they shut the door of their hearts .
One thing is only God understands how he plans it , I wish we can know our future partners right from the day we are born so we dont keep trying out things that are not meant to be .Some even avoid mistalkes but still make worse at the end of the day. I can go on and on but how long will I continue to plunder and wonder . Oh Lord help!!!!!!!
I pray thee lord none of us will miss it , you and I , whoever it is will come , male /female , because you and me is the right person for someone , so it pays to get it right , so in the quest for a search we'll be the right and best person for the right and best person and what you/me are looking for will look for you /me
Call me when the wedding bells starts to ring , I'll surely rejoice with you
love you .
1 Comment:
- Abiona Alli said...
March 11, 2008 at 2:16 PMwow! that was a lovely piece. this is another side of you that i didn't know of before, funmi. keep it up!