Tuesday, July 7, 2009
ENIGMATIC ARTISANS ...............we just can't do without them
Posted by charmingff at Tuesday, July 07, 2009Last saturday I had to attend my Toastmaster's meeting though I was suppose to be at a friend's wedding,I ddint want to miss the wedding and dissapoint my dear friend , but I had to follow my passion first.
But in otherwords I couldnt even think of attending my friend's wedding earlier enough , this was because her so called tailor who was supposed to make my aso - ebi for me had not delivered it to me , we had an appointment for friday before the wedding day , and he promised heaven and earth that he was going to deliver , he even charged extra because he claimed he was going to do express Job .
I waited patiently on friday , my friend the bride has been checking on him to make sure he doesnt disspoint me , and she kept calling to give me the assurance that he was going to deliver the material before the close of business , poor babe she needed me by her side on her wedding day looking radiant in the SAID uniform ASO - EBI as my people will call it ,because the man refused to deliver , I got the courage to go for my Toastmaster's meeting the next morning , and he still promised to deliver for 9a.m at the venue of the meeting , Whaoooooo, I must have really trusted the guy , or maybe I gave him a benefit of doubt that being the first time he would treat me right to crave for his service again .
Unfortunately for the fortunate me , I was disspointed , his phone was switched off for some time , the phone was on and off , inbetween the meeting I would dial his number , and damn my credit finish (oopps!!!) , and my pretty friend and club member gave me her phone to call , because she was concerned , I called and behold he asked me to come over to an unknown place to get my material , I was disspointed , After the meeting I wanted to head straight for my choir reharsals , going for the wedding was no more an option , the tragedy of showing up without my own uniform like someone who didnt have money to purchase one .
Why , why is there so much dissapointment on the part of these people , tailors , hairdressers , mechanics , drycleaners , shoe cobblers, plumbers,blacksmiths the list is endless , and I kept asking why ,is it that the number of people doing this job is not enough? , or they get so much job than they can bear and end up disspointing their customers ?,Though there are people who do this Job on the high class range , they charge more and do it right e.g tiffany Amber , out of africa , Honda place and the likes of very big fashion houses and the host of others,but not everyone can afford them .One thing I notice is that some of them never say NO to an incoming Job , reason is because they Just want to make money , and with these the professionalism of their service drops , why would anyone bite more than he/she can chew ?,we all cant do these Jobs by ourselves and that is the reason why some people have chosen that line of profession and are empowered to deliver , the ironical part is some who are even deligent end up doing very bad Jobs for their customers , have had friends who complain of tailors who destoryed their materials ,mechanics who end up causing more havoc to cars than repair , What!!!!
But does it looks like no one has an answer to this issues , NO there is an answer if you ask me , people need to check themselves , if you know this is your line of business and profession,do your Job flawlessly , no one is perfect but dont bite more than you can chew , try and do what you have the capacity of doing and do it well , what is worth doing at all is worth doing well , and if you know you are into good enough continue to learn but not at the expense of your poor customers who are ready to let go part of their small earnings , these people should take their Jobs as services to humanity,
How do you want people to see you and the Job you are doing ?, do you even have the fear of God to treat people right ?, Is service to your fellow human being all about money ! money ! making money , No its worth more , what goes around comes around , if you do it right it would come back very right to you , but if you do it bad it would come back and hit you worse , need I say more , lets all do it right and if you are oportuned to tell them , because we cant do without them in our lifes ,shout it out DO IT RIGHT .
Just me